All posts by mramon

Threatre play “Love, Equations and Geometry “

The  threatre play “Love, Equations and Geometry ” is adressed to a general audience, especially young people.  This play, which is organized by the mathematician and Uruguayan playwright Omar Gil (also an expert in nonlinear PDEs ) and the Chilean theater company “La Coraje “, seeks to wake the interest in mathematics, scientific curiosity and appreciation of the beauty of this discipline. It represents human and daily situations through the sharp dialogues of a couple. The idea is to adapt, with emphasis on mathematical analysis and geometry, the hit play of the same name that has already been performed by this company in Chile . This activity is supported by the programme EXPLORA, which is carried out by Conicyt.

Where and where can you see the play? There will be two performances:

  • In Valparaíso- Universidad Técnico Federico Santa María.

Date. 31th July 2015,  at 11 h. Venue. Edificio T, Salón de Actos UTFSM, Casa Central. Av. España 1680.

  • In Santiago- Pontificia Universidad Católica

Date. 5th August 2015 at 11.30 h. Venue. Auditorio Centro de Innovación, Campus San Joaquín. Av. Vicuña Mackenna 4860.

If you need more information or have any question, write 

Interview to Manuel del Pino, CAPDE researcher,  on the occasion of the annual celebration commemorating  this number. The National Prize of Science 2013 explains the importance of this number that has also serves  as a theme for a surrealist psychological thriller (Pi, directed by Darren Aronofsky in 1998).

Source: LUN

LUN: “Su vida nos emocionó a todos”

Manuel del Pino, CAPDE researcher, stressed the relevance of John Nash, American mathematician and Nobel Laureate who inspired the film “A beautiful mind”. Thus, Nash´s work on game theory helped considerably to the development of mathematics. Del Pino knows very well John Nash´s work, as he is also focused on partial differential equations. Source: LUN

Love, Equations and Geometry


“Love, Equations and Geometry “, aimed at the general public, especially young. This idea is the co-realization, by the mathematician and Uruguayan playwright Omar Gil (also an expert in nonlinear PDEs ) and the theater company “La Coraje ” in a play that encourages interest in mathematics by scientific curiosity and appreciation of the beauty of this discipline through human and everyday life topics, through sharp dialogues of a couple. The idea is to adapt, with emphasis on mathematical analysis and geometry, the hit play “Primos entre sí” that has already been performed by this company in Chile . Together with funds from the project and the Center of Mathematical Modeling of Universidad de Chile, we will count with the support of the science awareness program EXPLORA by Conicyt, for the dissemination and logistics necessary during the first and third years of the project.


Claudio Muñoz

PhD in Mathematics, Université de Versailles, France (2010)
Master in Mathematics of Modeling, Université Paris 6, France (2007)
Mathematical Engineering, Universidad de Chile (2006)

Universidad de Chile

Associate Professor

Research Area
Dispersive equations

+56 2 2978 0737
address: Beauchef 851, North Building, office 535, 5th floor, Santiago , Chile